
2025 Tenant Right to Counsel Convening

April 24-25, 2025 | New York Law School, 185 W Broadway, New York, NY 10013, USA

We are incredibly excited to bring you the Tenant Right to Counsel Convening on April 24-25, 2025, in person in New York City, co-hosted by the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel (NCCRC), Right to Counsel NYC Coalition (RTCNYC), Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE), and New York Law School’s Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law!

  • Please note that due to capacity restraints, this Convening is by invitation only. In order to register for this event, you should have received an invitation directly. If you did not receive an invitation, please e-mail Lucy Lydon at Lucy@LuceProductions.com to be added to the waitlist. Registration will open to the waitlist if additional space becomes available.
  • Registration includes breakfast and lunch both days of the Convening, and attendance at the reception, where snacks and refreshments will be served.

  • To see the tentative session schedule, please click the Schedule tab above. Sessions are still in development; the session descriptions and speakers will be updated. Registrants will be given a login that will allow them to add sessions to their schedule and to sign up for limited-capacity strategy sessions. Registration for limited capacity strategy sessions will open on Sched on Monday, March 18th.

Discounted Hotel Block

Refund Policy
  • Registration fees are non-refundable after April 1, 2025. Refunds requested before April 1 are subject to a $25 refund processing fee. The refund will be to the credit card used to make the original payment and may take a few days to complete. To request a refund, contact Maria Roumiantseva (roumiantsevam@publicjustice.org).

Health and Safety Protocols 
  • The Convening organizers will adhere to all health and safety protocols for large gatherings as set by New York City and the state of New York. While regulations may change, the City and State are not currently requiring proof of vaccination or masks to attend large gatherings. Should these requirements change, we will adhere to those updated requirements and will notify attendees.
  • Hand sanitizer and masks will be available at the Convening. Attendees should feel free to be masked and social distance as they are comfortable.
  • By registering, attendees agree to adhere to any health and safety requirements as mandated by New York City, New York State, the U.S. and/or our Conference venue. Each registration agrees to not hold the Convening organizers and venue liable if they come into contact with someone COVID positive or test positive for COVID after the Convening and any related events.

Code of Conduct
  • The Convening organizers are committed to creating a welcoming and safe environment where all participants can fully participate in the program. To achieve that, we ask all Convening participants to treat each other with respect, care, and compassion. By registering, you agree to treat fellow Convening participants as such, and you understand that the Convening has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, classism, and body shaming in any form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact:

We're excited to see you in April!

Convening produced by Luce Productions.

Convening Co-Hosted by

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